Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bull Biscuits


250g butter, softened

1 cup raw sugar

1 cup soft brown sugar

2 eggs, lightly beaten

3 cups plain flour

2 tsp cream of tartar

1 tsp bicarb soda

½ tsp salt

1 dessert spoon vanilla essence


  1. Cream butter and sugars in a large mixing bowl
  2. Add eggs and vanilla. Beat until well combined
  3. Sift in dry ingredients. Mix by hand until combined
  4. Roll dough into logs approx. 4cm diameter and 20-30cm long. Wrap logs in plastic wrap and freeze until firm
  5. Preheat oven to 180°C
  6. Slice into ½cm rounds and place onto a lined baking sheet
  7. Bake for approx. 10mins or until golden.
  8. Let biscuits cool on the tray for approx. 5-10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely

Bull biscuits are not the original name. It is an old family recipe that was handed down through multiple generations – this is reflected in the recipes use of plain flour and separate leavening agents instead of self-raising flour, which was not widely available at the time. The original recipe actually referenced an icebox! As the recipe moved through time, its name was lost, and our family surname was attached to it. That’s how we have Bull Biscuits!

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