Assorted vegetables sliced thinly or diced -I used cabbage, mushrooms, red capsicum, spring onions and carrots.
500g Beef mince
1 pouch of long life thin hokkien noodles
4 teaspoons curry powder
5 teaspoons hoi sin sauce
6-7 tablespoons Indonesian sweet soy (kajup manis)
Oil or oil spray
1. Heat large deep fry pan. Add a small amount of oil and stir fry the veges for 5minutes.
2. Remove the vegetables from the pan
3. Add another dash of oil and brown the mince, making sure to break it up.
5. Add both sauces, the drained noodles and return the vegetable to the pan
Serving numbers depend on how many veges you use
>< You may notice there is not carrot in the pan, but there is carrot in the bowl - this is because my husband hates carrot, and is colour blind so can't tell the difference between carrot and capsicum when I cut them up the same shape. I left the carrot out for the portion I made him, then added the carrot later for my portion><